Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Focus of this Paper


This paper will not review any specific SEO firms because if it did then it would be biased promotional crap like much of what else is available on the market – and thus far the market has proven that this does not work. This is simply a free guide of questions you should ask yourself and your SEO firm before spending a dime.

This site will have no sales pitch and no SEO preference. These are simply questions I wished I would have asked myself before I bought SEO services from a questionable SEO firm a longtime ago.

Some SEOs are Great

Not all SEOs are bad. There are many honest and hardworking SEOs who provide exceptional value to their customers. Unfortunately the ratio of effective quality SEOs to the number people claiming to be SEOs is low.

If you shop for SEO services by price you are likely to get scammed. Quality SEO services are not a commodity.

These questions will hopefully help you save time and money by making sure you buy quality SEO services with your first SEO purchase.